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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1170)

KNOW THYSELF .. but not too much
Reding, Valerie; Monteiro, Ivy Reding, Valerie (Performer)
Monteiro, Ivy (Performer)
Fortunella, Mama (Performer)
Andrist, Bene (Music)
Schmid Bello, Juan Mauricio (Music)
Dubosson, Nico (Assistance)
Schmidlin, Stefan (Assistance)
Streit, Marc (Eventcurator)
van Dakis, Georges (Camera)

How much do you know yourself? Do you really hold the future in your own hands? "KNOW THYSELF .. but not too much" is an invitation to the public to trust and get up close and personal with two deities from another space and time, two all-knowingly ignorant postmodern oracle sorceresses defying the laws of communication with the divine. Through masterfully executed rituals and blessings with sweat, laughter, tears and other holy liquids or devices, the two priestesses provide answers to anyone who dares to step in front of their gaze.

“KNOW THYSELF .. but not too much” is a modern interpretation of the activities and rituals that happened in the Temple of Delphi. The petitioners would enter the temple and, in exchange for a personal offering or some sort of sacrifice, would get a private audience with the Pythia, the oracle sorceress. During the performance "KNOW THYSELF .. but not too much", Ivy and Valerie channel their inner Pythia and, respectively impersonating Wala, the daughter of the sun, and Aega, the daughter of the moon, provide counseling service to all the visitors entering this postmodern temple in the depths of the Tanzhaus Zürich. During the entire night, they answer the most secret, absurd, funny, serious, sad or ironic questions of the petitioners. However, in this performance, no monetary remuneration is needed to compensate the counseling service. Instead, in order to get an audience with the oracle sorceresses Aega and Wala, the petitioners have to answer three questions: „I am …? I have…? I want …?“

The two priestesses rarely give answers by using words, but, much inspired by the riddles of the ancient oracle of Delphi, they rather answer by using their bodies as a medium. The interpretation of the answers is left to the petitioners’ discretion. These answers come in many forms, including but not limited to dances, blood rituals, consulting smart phones, Facebook newsfeeds, tarot cards or animal guts, eye gazing, body and face painting rituals, lap dancing, karaoke singing, massages, cooking tea, slow dancing, drag performances and sharing tears.

If anyone is feeling exhausted or hungry by the mystical happenings of this magical night, they can simply lay down their head and rest, drink, eat or socialize – sleeping accommodations, intimate tents, food and drinks are provided. The temple is welcoming and giving shelter to anyone who enters the Tanzhaus. The temple visitors can stay as long as they want, simply listen and observe the happenings, actively engage with the priestesses and ask a question or leave the space whenever they wish to do so.
zürich moves!

place: Tanzhaus Zürich, Zürich
KuratorIn: Streit, Marc
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

Fotos und Video

Fotos / Photos
Dauer: 10h