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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1146)

About Nothing oder 3x eine Kerze lang
Hochuli, Gisela Maly, Valerian (Eventcurator)
Zumstein, Peter (Eventcurator)
Video: Trinipix GmbH (Camera)
Rindlisbacher, Martin (Camera:Fotoserie)

This performance is about constant change, the transformation and dissolution of matter and the transformation of physicality and expression. While the first candle burns, Gisela Hochuli lets a flame devour the thread of a yarn. For the duration of the second candle, Gisela Hochuli ignites tissue paper. These float into the air, burn and fall down as a shower of ashes. Gisela Hochuli rolls around in the ashes until all the ashes stick to her clothes. Listening to an inner rhythm, she begins to dance to the third burning candle and after a while asks the audience to join in.
BONE 15 - Festival für Aktionskunst

place: Bern
KuratorIn: Maly, Valerian; Zumstein, Peter
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Video 4:3
Dauer: 26:00