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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1125)

Edens, Saskia Edens, Saskia (Performer)
Publikum (Performer)
Sturm, Barbara (Eventcurator)
Hochuli, Gisela (Eventcurator)
Nieslony, Boris (Eventcurator)
Edens, Saskia (Camera)
Dugaro, Bianca (Camera)
Cresbo, David (Camera)
Others (Camera)

Holding a sheet of ice to my face, I breath at length on the same spot, letting my breath pierce a hole, repeating this gesture until the ice plate breaks itself.
I slowly approach people of the audience implicitly inviting them to breath likewise from the other side of the plate. I test the distance of closeness and space I must maintain with a single person. No one in the audience is forced to engage, varying the reach of distance, is experimented.
Trough this simple idea, some taboos can be broken: the normal distance between two persons is exceeded and a moment of intimacy is shared.
When a hole is created trough the breath, a direct contact is possible, letting breath be shared, as is the smell of the depth of the body.
In actuality all the air that we breath is shared, the air that go deep into our cells.
This action shows the power of warmth, the transformation of a solid form into fluid, how close contact, some seconds of attention and conscious breathing breaks hard ice.
The ice plate can be seen as a metaphor and similar to digital flat screens. Before the first hole appears the person is on the other side, is not touchable and his image is flat and blurred.
After piercing through, heat, contact and sound are directly and immediately experienced.

Par respirations longues et profondes, je souffle contre une plaque en glace. En même temps je m'approche du public en les invitant implicitement à respirer de l'autre côté. Nos bouches sont séparées par la glace jusqu'à ce qu'une percée se créé par la respiration. S'offre alors la perception du son, de la chaleur et de l'autre.
Par cette simple action un moment d'intimité est partagé, les souffles se mêlent, venant des profondeurs du corps.
Cela montre le pouvoir de la chaleur qui transforme une forme solide en un état fluide, comme un contact rapproché, quelques secondes d'attention et de respiration peuvent briser la glace.
Gesamt Festival Trailer:
file breath-text_Millroth.rtf has unknown mimetype text/rtf
file Edens_saskia_ 2007-20019_ breath-text_orte.rtf has unknown mimetype text/rtf
Art of Encountering Kunst der Begegnung

place: KASKO, Basel
KuratorIn: Sturm, Barbara; Hochuli, Gisela; Nieslony, Boris
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Fotos / Photos
Dauer: variable