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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1084)

3 x 3 zweiter Schritt

3 x 3 Step 2: Three women work on three love songs: Andrea Saemann chooses the folk song Du, du liegst mir am Herzen, Simone Kurz the aria Maria by Leonard Bernstein from West Side Story and Pascale Grau the Marilyn Monroe song I Wanna Be Loved by You from the film Some Like It Hot. Each first develops her individual approach to all three songs, then they combine these performative "splinters" into a common whole. Grau sings all three songs - using a microphone and delay device - and physically works through the proverbial labor of love while singing in order to become "fit for love".
From 1997, Simone Kurz no longer performed live. Parts of her part were restaged for the camera by Kurz/Grau/Saemann and played as a projection in the background of the live performance; Kurz was thus present in absentia in the first and last scenes. Another new element is a monitor hanging from the ceiling, which shows a gun barrel pointing downwards as a video image and which is used in the scene from West Side Story performed jointly by Grau and Saemann: Grau sings Tony's aria Maria with the help of the delay device, while Saemann makes the monitor above her swing like a swing.

place: o.T. Raum für aktuelle Kunst, Luzern
KuratorIn: Bitterli, Konrad
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Video 4:3
Dauer: 31:00