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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1081)


Conditions: The Edengarage. An independent exhibition space created in the 1990s and organized by artists.
Spatial situation: In Zurich, the corrected Sihl riverbed runs under the highway. A bridge crosses the Sihl in the immediate vicinity of the Edengarage. The river is very low there, but swells abruptly during floods. A small gravel bank in the river.
Material and preparations:
A star-shaped construction made of twenty squared timbers. Diameter 300cm. Held together with brown packing tape.
Procedure: The audience stands on the bridge under which the wooden construction is positioned. X and Y climb into the construction and move it into the shallow Sihl. X shifts his body weight to propel the vehicle. Y pushes it with a long pole. They roll downstream along the river. After about 120m, the performance ends as the construction hits a shallow section.
Zwischenzeitliche Folgen: Für den Bau der Konstruktion bringen X und Y das benötigte Material auf die Kiesbank. Für kurze Zeit verlassen sie den Ort. In dieser Zeit schwillt die Sihl an und schwemmt einen Teil des Materials weg. Die Werkzeuge sind mit einer Schlammschicht überzogen.
Northwest of Eden, Performancefestival

place: im Flussbett der Sihl, Zürich, CH
KuratorIn: Bhend, Eve; Glinz, Gabi; Schneebeli, Salome; Wirth, Ursi
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Fotos / Photos
Dauer: 20 Minuten