Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1076)
Interiors 2
Pascale Grau's bare stomach becomes the stage for a piece of furniture with harmless toys that sway as she breathes. The video, set to music by the artist's voice and a looping machine, reinforces the impression of a "catastrophe". The projections of a happy home are shaken. The inside is turned inside out, revealing social constructions. The performance Interiors consists of two parts: the video created in the first part is played again in the second part and set to music live by the artist using a loop machine.
automatically translated from german
Vgl. dazu auch die Performance Interiors Dadao Festival in Peking von 2005. Die Performance zeigt im Prinzip das Making of des Videos.
place: Gezeigt: Regionale 5, Kunstverein Freiburg i. Br. (1. Version) 2004; 7/Eleven, Videoduo mit Esther van der Bie, Kunstraum Lodypop, Basel 2007
Dokumentationstyp: Performance/Aktion für die Kamera / Performance/Action for the Camera
Video 4:3
Dauer: 6:00