Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1056)
Performance Day
The "Performance Day" was an uncurated platform and part of the "Re:Sources" exhibition by Kunst im Depot. Performance artists could register in advance or on the day itself and present a performance. Unfortunately, not all performances are documented.
automatically translated from german
Kunst im Depot, Performance Day 2018: Reenactment "Cut piece" von Yoko Ono durch Rena Brandenberger / Performance "Brief an Grossmutter" von Astrid Künzler in der Installation von Astrid Künzler&Manuela Saurer / Performance für eine Person von Nadine Seeger in ihrer Installation / Performance von "Trio Pink Placenta" (IMG_3665+IMG_3665) / weitere Performance von Remo Wiegand ohne Foto.
Plakat Ausstellung "Re:Sources" mit Aktionen, Flyer inkl. Performance Day
Performance Day
place: Kunst im Depot, Altes Busdepot, Tösstalstrasse 86, 8400 Winterthur
KuratorIn: unkuratiert
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action
- Fotos Performance Nadine Seeger
- Fotos Performance Rena Brandenberger
- Fotos Performance Astrid Künzler
Fotos / Photos
Dauer: 3 Werke à ca. 30 Min.