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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1049)

Saterday Night Fever
Honauer, Géraldine the sun (Performer)
Marmet, Julie (Eventcurator)
Honauer, Géraldine (Camera)

ft. La Bretelle, Motel Campo, La Gravière, L'Usine, La Cave 12
Balle da discoteca provenienti da discoteche ginevrine in prestito per tutta la durata della mostra "sembrava quasi di sentire
la voce di un caro amico". A causa della pandemia, tutte le discoteche di Ginevra hanno dovuto chiudere per più di un anno.
Saterday Night Fever, 2021 ft. La Bretelle, Motel Campo, La Gravière, L’Usine, La Cave 12 Disco balls on loan from Geneva discotheques for the duration of the exhibition it almost felt like the voice of a close friend, 18.03 - 16.04 2021 This work appears as a performance only on sunny days. Exhibition view: 4 rue du Beulet, Geneva (CH), 2019 it almost felt like the voice of a close friend, 18.03 - 16.04 2021
it almost felt like the voice of a close friend

place: 4 rue du Beulet, Geneva (CH), 2019
KuratorIn: Marmet, Julie
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

ft. La Bretelle, Motel Campo, La Gravière, L’Usine, La Cave 12 Disco balls on loan from Geneva discotheques for the duration of the exhibition "it almost felt like the voice of a close friend". This work appears as a performance only on sunny days.

Fotos / Photos
Dauer: 18.03 - 16.04 2021, on sunny days only.