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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1024)

It depends entirely upon the hue of the lighting
(Siehe pdf)

Continuous re-filming of the script depends entirely on the color of the lighting in different languages.
The script is based on two conversations about a photographic campaign launched by the German Ministry of Propaganda in the final years of the Second World War. This campaign aimed to document all wall and ceiling paintings deemed important in order to ensure their preservation in the photographic image and to enable any reconstruction. In conversation with the photographer Rosmarie Nohr, who was involved in the campaign, and her sister Gisela Nohr, the artists question the role of the individual actor within this commission and the significance of these documentary images in the construction process of the collective visual memory.
The script used for the filming does not itself prescribe any fixed role assignments. Thus, based on the actors' improvisation, a different distribution of the text is created with each production. Questions and answers overlap again and again in new ways in the person of the speaker. The exhibition space becomes a production site that constitutes the conversation and defines the language of translation.
Die Performance wurde zuerst vor Publikation aufgeführt, danach für die Kamera
Diverse (siehe pdf)

place: Siehe pdf
KuratorIn: Je nach Ausstellungen (siehe pdf)
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Dauer: Variabel