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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1011)

Crushpad Climax

In her latest work circuit Bruckner approaches queer net pornography in terms of its affectively interwoven corporeality, formed between sensation, technology and labour within the internet. No longer mechanical human engines in service of the machine that is the internet, these would-be bodies are born of cybernetic rupture, of fugitive data crumbs. They are material-social assemblages that embody prosthetic forms of cyber struggles. She allows us to reimagine and redistribute the relationships and patterns by which subjects comprehend their world.
Es gibt ein geschnittenes Video dazu (keine Performance-Dokumentation). Ich kann dieses auf Anfrage auch schicken.

place: Lago Mio, Lugano, and many others
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

Video, Video Stills

Fotos / Photos