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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0975)

Vom Tanzen, Leidensweg und weissen Spuren

For two hours, I walk through the street where the marsie - space for collective art is located. My first action is to leave a pair of loose women's shoes on both sides of the street.
Then I take a bag with a white powder, so I walk on the street that is also left behind. White tracks and lines are left on the road. I come and go the whole way. Sometimes I stand somewhere on the road and the white powder keeps coming out of my bag.
As a third act, I stand in front of the gallery and take out a loudspeaker from which my voice emanates, telling stories, autobiographical ones, interwoven with those of women crossing the southern border where I am originally from.
I continue walking down the street, back and forth, while white powder continues to come out of my (pink) bag.
At another point in the street, the stories from the loudspeaker can be heard again.
It is dark when the performance ends.
Die Fotografien vom 01-10 sind von Marie-Anne Lerjen, die weitere vom 11-13 sind von Ida Dober, Zürich
Photos 1-12 were taken by Marie-Anne Lerjen. Photos 13-15 by Ida Dober

place: das marsie - Raum für kollektive Kunst
KuratorIn: Lerjen, Marie-Anne; Etter, Simone
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Fotoserie (Reihenfolge am Ende vom Dateinamen benennen!) / Photo series (name sequence at the end of the file name!)
Dauer: 120 min