Interspecies communication is a chapter of DOUZE MILLE VINGT, a project conceptualising a utopian landscape in which non verbal communication between species would prevail. The global project includes an exhibition, concerts, performances and workshops.
Based on the artist’s recurrent research, TWELVE THOUSAND TWENTY is part of an ongoing work process on sound frequencies and their field of application. Between dance and happening, Interspecies communication embodies a form of non-verbal communication: movement, gaze and breath unite the performers in an intense communion, drawing the audience into their inner resonance.
Conception, choreography and music:: Julie Semoroz
External eye: Jasmine Morand
Performers: Fabio Bergamaschi et Julie Semoroz
Venues of creation: La Comédie de Genève, Geneva, CH
Theoretical/academic contributors: Didier Grandjean
Text : Camille Abele and Virginie Reymond
Production & promotion Julie Semoroz
Assistant and in charge of production & promotion: Virginie Reymond
Administration & accounting : Julie Semoroz et Nathalie Wenger
Partners : Les Créatives, FIFDH, NCCR Evolving Language
Production : Association Motonomy
Coproduction : Halle Nord
Residencies : Campus Biotech & CISA woth professor Didier Grandjean, Dansomètre with support of Jasmine Morand, Motel Campo
Supported by : The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF Agora project), Ville de Genève, Pro Helvetia, Université de Genève – Cisa, Flux Laboratory, Ensemble Contrechamps, La Comédie de Genève, FEEIG
Acknowledgements : Carole Rigaut, Cynthia Odier, Dominique Rovini, Carole Varone, Tatiana Lista, Natacha Koutchoumov et Denis Maillefer, David Brun-Lambert
Collaboration sonore : Ensemble Contrechamps – Akiko Ahrendt et Martina Brodbeck, NCCR evolving language and ‘Kalahari Meerkat Project, Marta Manser, University of Zurich’
place: La Comédie de Genève
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action