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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0943)

(May 2019)
Dickerson, Brendhan Wolfensberger, Patricia (Performer)
Schüep, Eveline (Performer)
Kreis, Carmen E. (Eventcurator)
Schüep, Eveline (Eventcurator)
Ekstein, Christian (Camera:Camera)
Theus, Michaela (Camera:schnitt)

Ai margini delle cascate del Reno, un essere radioso irrompe nell'esistenza e danza la sua breve esistenza estatica davanti alle acque impetuose delle cascate del Reno. La scultura di fuoco è montata sulle spalle dell'artista che anima la figura con le bacchette tenute in mano e con i movimenti del proprio corpo.
This work was commissioned by the curators, to be performed at the opening of the exhibition. It took place just after sunset.
the photograph uploaded here was taken by Sandra Rau
Austellung "Poetische Flucht in die Wirklichkeit"

place: Kunstraum Reinart, am Rheinfall.
KuratorIn: Kreis, Carmen E.; Schüep, Eveline
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Video 16:9
Dauer: circa 20 minutes