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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0935)

Dancing on Zervreila
Buol, Silvia Buol, Silvia (Eventcurator)

Dancing on Zervreila 2017 solo performance by Silvia Buol
Dancing on Zervreila is a performance based on the landscape.
The artificial lake above the flooded village, the dam and the mountains are imposing, barren and full of huge volumes. The movements
are based on the cardinal points, the shapes, the materials and the volumes and dimensions as well as the remembered history of this place
of this place before the dam was built. Individual parts of the body take up forms from the surroundings, the dam becomes a
the dam becomes a playing surface above the memories and the focus of the reference to the surroundings.
Zervreila dam Vals, Graubünden, September 30, 2017
Photos: Silvia Buol
Topografische Forschung

place: Staudamm Zervreila, Vals, Graubünden
KuratorIn: Buol, Silvia
Dokumentationstyp: Performance/Aktion für die Kamera / Performance/Action for the Camera


Fotoserie (Reihenfolge am Ende vom Dateinamen benennen!) / Photo series (name sequence at the end of the file name!)
Dauer: 80