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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0894)

Becoming LYSANN
König, Lysann Baumann, Simon (Performer)
Hunter, Chris (Performer)
König, Lysann (Performer)
Minnig, Julia (Performer)
Mlodzik, Laurie (Performer)
Schoch, Steven (Performer)
Gadient, Gerome (Performer)
Grütter, Sara (Performer)
Hammel, Meta (Performer)
König, Petra (Performer)
Mathis, Muda (Performer)
Natsch, Yolanda Esthersther Esther (Performer)
Nüesch, Natascha (Performer)
Rembges, Almut (Performer)
Regn, Chris (Performer)
Reymond, Laetitia (Performer)
Stucky, Raphael (Performer)
[Mr. π] (Performer)
Meyer, Alain (Performer)
König, Lysann (Camera)

Becoming LYSANN is a contemporary document about collaboration and gives an insight into the artist's creative process and her personal environment.
It is neither an autofiction, nor 100% a documentary, perhaps most of all a making off, which revolves around LYSANN's artistic practice and the collective act of creation. An intimate and collective moment about shared experiences and working methods.
2-Kanal Videoprojektion mit Sound, 48’22’’ (Wurde hier zu einer Datei vereint) Choreographie: Simon Baumann, Chris Hunter, Lysann König Julia Minnig, Laurie Mlodzik, Steven Schoch Interviews mit: Simon Baumann, Gerome Gadient, Sara Grütter, Meta Hammel, Chris Hunter, Lysann König, Petra König, Muda Mathis, Laurie Mlodzik, Yolanda E. Natsch, Natascha Nüesch, Almut Rembges, Chris Regn, Laetitia Reymond, Steven Schoch, Raphael Stucky Kamera & Video Edit: Lysann König, Linus Weber Sound: Simon Baumann, Lysann König, Mr. π , Alain Meyer, Linus Weber 2021

place: Basel
Dokumentationstyp: Performance/Aktion für die Kamera / Performance/Action for the Camera


Video 16:9
Dauer: 48:47