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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0845)

Discursive Ornaments
Romdhane, Liliya Ben; Scherrer, Ursula Pelz, Bettina (Eventcurator)
Gharbi, Aymen (Eventcurator)
Seltmann, Kuno (Camera:Foto)

video projection and performance – Ursula Scherrer

poem and performance – Liliya Ben Romdhane
Video footage of a typical tile wall, filmed in the chamber bleu in the Medina, is projected into a narrow alley in front of Dar Al Jaziri, the House of Poetry, in the Medina of Tunis.
The first day, Ursula Scherrer is following the lines of the ornaments with black chalk, drawing along the constantly moving lines, on the street and on the walls. Chalk is placed along the walls to encourage the audience to join her. 
The three following nights Scherrer is cleaning the street with a brush, cleaning the light spaces of the projections.
Liliya Ben Rondhame from the Tunisian Slam Collective 'Street Poetry' is reciting her poem over and over and over.
The endlessly repetitive actions of the two artists reminded of a mantra, the same again and again and yet constantly shifting.
Interference, Internationales Lichtkunstprojekt Tunis

place: Tunis
KuratorIn: Pelz, Bettina; Gharbi, Aymen
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Video 16:9
Dauer: 3.5 Stunden