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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0838)

2. Body and Freedom Festival
Zollinger, Thomas Vogel, Katharina (Performer)
Pranaityte, Orinta (Performer)
Badasyan, Mischa (Performer)
Kopytsa, Alina (Performer)
Liljedahl, Sebastien (Performer)
[Mollner/Wagner] (Performer)
Orlowska, Ernestyna (Performer)
Baron, Fabienne Gallina (Performer)
[M R Merz] (Performer)
Stengele, Julischka (Performer)
Vason, Manuel (Performer)
Plonka, Anja (Performer)
Guenatri, Kamil (Performer)
Klodova, Lenka (Performer)
Zollinger, Thomas (Performer)
Yim, Monique (Performer)
[Marina x Isil] (Performer)
Sebastian, Benjamin (Performer)
Marussich, Yann (Performer)
Kirsche, Elias (Performer)
und weitere spontan Mitwirkende (Performer)
Zollinger, Thomas (Eventcurator:PerformancesRathausbrücke)
Schumacher, Beatrice (Eventcurator:Abendprogramm)
Burkhard, Christoph (Camera:1.Und2.Tag)
Schär, Elisabeth (Camera:3.Tag)

From the announcement leaflet: "In the middle of Zurich, on the Rathausbrücke, you will encounter naked people every afternoon from August 23 to 25, 2018. There are 18 artists from all over Europe who will expose their naked bodies in the public urban space. They will present a wide range of performances over the three days. As an officially approved event, the Body and Freedom Festival offers a globally unique experimental platform for the artistic and practical exploration of society's treatment of the naked body. It creates unusual situations for performers, passers-by and spectators alike, which subvert the repertoire of rehearsed behavior. Most performances last 20-30 minutes and are repeated on another day. Others last 40-60 minutes. A long-term performance on Saturday lasts 4 and a half hours. Sometimes the performances overlap and crowds of spectators form, sometimes the usual square ambiance with passers-by, strollers and people sitting around prevails. The festival is accompanied by a cultural evening program. With the "Nacktgespräche" we offer a forum for critical reflection. They include short lectures from cultural-historical, art and social science perspectives, feedback and discussion. Presentations of works and performances complete the program."
Auch dieses Festival hatte eine enorme Medienpräsenz, nachzulesen auf der Webseite des Festivals: Die Performances sind mit Video und Foto dokumentiert. Hier die Kurz-Zusammenfassung, dazu noch jene vom ersten Body and Freedom Festival, die in jener Einsendung vergessen gegangen ist. Die Kurz-Zusammenfassungen geben schon gut Einblick in die beiden Festivals. Videoschnitt Thomas Zollinger. Die komplette Videodokumentation des 2. Body and Freedom Festivals geht über 4 Stunden und 24 Minuten. Frühere Nacktperformances in Zürich: Rathausbrücke 2010 „Naked Ufo“, Turbinenplatz 2012 „Naked Art Walk“ und nochmals auf der Rathausbrücke 2013 „Nacktknäuel“ und „Nacktperformance Studie“. Diese Performances waren den Medien bewusst nicht angekündigt worden und hatten wenig Resonanz.
2. Body and Freedom Festival

place: Zürich
KuratorIn: Zollinger, Thomas (Performances Rathausbrücke); Schumacher, Beatrice (Abendprogramm)
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Video 16:9
Dauer: 07:17 (2. Body and Freedom Festival) , 03:51 ( 1. Body and Freedom Festival)