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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0813)

Colonizing M1
[Parvez] Wittmer, Stephan (Eventcurator)
Weber, Andreas (Camera)
Wittmer, Stephan (Camera)
[Parvez] (Camera)

‘Colonizing M1’ was the opening performance / Live art work in Parvez's solo-show, 'COMMODI-FICTION' at Museum 1.

Parvez invited visitors to help him create and install five flags with his name and the title of his show. Four of the flags were then installed in the four corners and one for the center - as a gesture of colonizing and taking over the Museum 1. He also constructed a symbolic ‘HQ’ (Headquarter) with found wood and an acrylic sheet and installed it in the centre.

In a gesture of welcoming the visitors to his newly colonized land he then prepared and served a ‘welcome drink’ made with fruits that came from ‘lands that were once colonized’.

This performance laid the ground for the interventions / live art works that were to take place over the next 6 months, each adding up and evolving the narrative until the very end of the show.
Photos_01 to 06 by Andreas Weber Photos_07 to 08 by Stephan Wittmer Photo_09 by Parvez Photo_10 by Andreas Weber Photos_11 to 12 by Stephan Wittmer

place: Museum 1, Luzern
KuratorIn: Wittmer, Stephan
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Fotoserie (Reihenfolge am Ende vom Dateinamen benennen!) / Photo series (name sequence at the end of the file name!)
Dauer: 120:00