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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0744)

Am Guisanplatz verläuft die Choreografie rotierend

In the satellite, Manuela Imperatori will create a cassette recorder performance specially designed for Guisanplatz. A performative tape concert takes place parallel to the traffic circle. The performer operates six cassette recorders simultaneously and plays three pieces of the Viennese waltz in unison. The same, previously copied recording with the three waltz pieces runs on each device. The recorders are transported and positioned differently in the room by the performer. The tapes do not rotate at exactly the same speed and the 6 waltz pieces shift subtly. A second sonic circle(el) is created around the audience. A choreography of the recorders. A soundtrack is added to the everyday situation at the traffic circle with the traffic movements and noises, making it possible to experience the place in a new way. The audience finds itself in the middle of the action.
Kunstraum Satellit Sommer Performances

place: Kunstraum Satellit, Thun
KuratorIn: Satellit Thun / Loepfe, Myriam; Chiara, Raffaellaund Team
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

Audio Tape Performance

Fotos / Photos
Dauer: 15 min.