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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0733)


AURALROOTS incoraggia il pubblico a esibirsi con i propri sensi del tatto e dell'udito per esplorare la percezione sensoriale. La scultura interattiva consiste in 24 oggetti appesi o stereocilia che attivano composizioni da 54 campioni sonori, che possono essere ascoltati con cuffie wireless e si fondono con i suoni eseguiti dagli altri spettatori. Le stereocilia sono le minuscole cellule ciliate dei nostri nervi uditivi situati nell'orecchio interno della coclea. L'obiettivo di questa interazione performativa si concretizza in tre diversi ambienti sonori.
other events include: 2016 | Grounded Visions. AURALROOTS. The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Institute for Integrated Biology. Grounded Visions was part of Co-Op 21 Arts Festival Paris 2015 | Anatomical Museum Basel, University of Basel, Switzerland
CAPTIONS FOR THE PHOTOS AND VIDEO: PHOTOS: Audience Performing with Aural Roots VIDEO: interactive example from AURALROOTS   PRODUCTION CREDITS ARTIST & DIRECTOR Jill Scott PROGRAMMING & ELECTRONICS Nikolaus Völzow INDIGENOUS STORIES RESEARCH Tess Corino RECORDINGS King Street Studios and Koori Radio, Gadigal Information Service, Sydney, Australia WOMB SOUNDS Les Gilbert (Magian) ANIMATION Andrew Quinn CONSTRUCTION HELP Patrick Jost • Marille Hahne SOUND MIX Olav Lervik • Gregg Skerman (Zurich University of the Arts) PARTNERS SymbioticA and H. Mulders, D. Robertson (The Auditory Laboratory in the School of Anatomy, Physiology and Human Biology, University of Western Australia) SCIENTIFIC CONSULTANTS Dr. Vesna Radojevic (Clinic for Otorhinolaryngology, The Department of Biomedicine, Inner Ear Research, University of Basel, Switzerland) Dr. N. Diller (The Laboratory of Experimental Audiology, University Hospital, Zurich)

place: ZEMAK, Posnan, Poland
KuratorIn: Jelewska, Agnieszka
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

2 Photos and 1 Video (1min 49 sec)

Fotos / Photos
Dauer: ongoing