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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0694)

[Parvez] Wittmer, Stephan (Eventcurator)
[Parvez] (Camera)
Weber, Andreas (Camera)

A six-months-long solo show by Parvez; marked with Live Art Interventions and Performances that ran from April 10 to October 2, 2021 at Museum 1 in Luzern.

Each Performance / Intervention/ Live Art work, while complete in itself, added to the previous ones and evolved the narrative further each time, making it a long-duration-performance with many performances and acts within it. It had a strong focus on generating encounters and creating possibilities for active participation by the visitors.

The title of the show stems from the concept of ‘fictitious commodities’ that the economic historian and thinker, Karl Polanyi conceived, vis-à-vis the commodification of land, human labor and currency, in his work ‘The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time’. The artist expands upon these ideas, plays with the workings of a market-based- economy and also explores its connection with (neo)colonialism – the continuation of colonial subjugation and exploitation through economic, political, cultural, and/or other tools.

The uniqueness of MUSEUM 1 - a space without walls, doors, barriers and security both challenged and pushed the artist to create this Live Art work.
The Edifice_Photo_01 & 02 by Andreas Weber The Edifice video by Parvez Colonizing M1_Photo_01 by Stephan Wittmer Colonizing M1_Photo_02 by Andreas Weber A Game of Alphabets_Photos_01 &02 by Parvez A Game of Alphabets_Video by Parvez Disrupt The Performance #4_Video Still Review by Michel Rebosura for _957 Independent Art Magazine #123 COMMODI-FICTION_PARVEZ Review by Deeksha Nath - First published in Critical Collective, India. Reprinted in _957 Independent Art Magazine #123 COMMODI-FICTION_PARVEZ An Overview - Published in _957 Independent Art Magazine #123 COMMODI-FICTION_PARVEZ
file Parvez_2021_COMMODI-FICTION_TheEdifice.mp4 has unknown mimetype application/octet-stream
file Parvez_2021_COMMODI-FICTION_A Game Of Alphabets_Installation Video.mp4 has unknown mimetype application/octet-stream

place: Museum 1, Luzern
KuratorIn: Wittmer, Stephan
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

1. Photos 2. Video Stills 3. Videos 4. PDF

Fotos / Photos
Dauer: 6 months