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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0686)

The Iannetta Ritzmann Show / The Ritzmann Iannetta Show
(2016) /

Silvana Iannetta and Marion Ritzmann created the performance The Iannetta Ritzmann / The Ritzmann Iannetta Show as a context-related examination of Manifesta 11 in Zurich (2016). The concept of Manifesta 11, which, under the motto "What People Do for Money", juxtaposes artists and representatives of numerous other, sometimes conservative, professions and calls for collaboration, irritates the two artists.
The reciprocal questioning of the motto and their own situation - as artists who do not earn their living directly from their own art - is the central content of the performance.
Among other things, the following questions are asked: Do you feel the salary you receive as a research assistant or producer is fair? Do you think your art would be better if you didn't have to earn money and had more time for your artistic work?

The setting and the title of the performance are based on the talk show format on television. Initially seated in an "orderly" fashion, the performers' positions and postures become increasingly unconventional over time.

The performance is part of the Manifesta 11 performance program at Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich.
Manifesta 13

place: Manifesta 11 im Cabaret Voltaire in Zürich.
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Fotos / Photos
Dauer: 20 min