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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0681)

Ask Me Anything
[Parvez] Fischer, Peter (Eventcurator)

The Lion monument of Lucerne (Löwendenkmal), was built in the memory of the Swiss soldiers who lost their lives defending the French king when the French revolutionaries attacked the palace at Tuileries on 10th August, 1821. This context brings forth some questions. For example, what would have happened to the French revolution, if the Swiss guards had won over the French revolutionaries that day? How would that have affected the ensuing rise of democratic and more egalitarian societies in Europe?

'Ask Me Anything', unfolds as a long-duration performance. During the performance a visitor can ask the artist anything he / she wants to. The artist promises to provide each person with a 'key' to unfold their questions.

Through this performance Parvez engages with critical questioning as a way to dive deeper to find the right questions. The performance is also his response to our times where information flow and its control lie in the hands of a few and the brazenness of the post-truth politics continues to stare us in the face.
Photos 01 to 08 by Annick Bosson
L21 Performance Reihe / L21 Performance Series

place: Loewendenkmal, Luzern
KuratorIn: Fischer, Peter
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Fotos / Photos
Dauer: 330:00 (5hrs 30 min)