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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0661)

The Gathering No.15
(2020) /
Lipp, Dominik; Hochuli, Gisela Hochuli, Gisela (Performer)
Ackermann, Glynis (Performer)
Goessi, Markus (Performer)
Kulka, Irena (Performer)
Schumacher, Beatrice (Performer)
Escher, Susanne (Performer)
Seeger, Nadine (Performer)
Scherrer, Ursula (Performer)
Grossenbacher, Stephan (Performer)
Kunz, Katja (Performer)
Spedicato, Francesco (Performer)
Näf, Nicole (Performer)
Künzler, Astrid (Performer)
Zollinger, Thomas (Performer)
Schlatter, Bruno (Performer)
Lipp, Dominik (Performer)
Künzler, Astrid (Eventcurator)
Marti, Daniel (Camera:Video)
Rondez, Emilie (Camera:Fotos)
Nienburg, Rob (Camera)

The Gathering/ The Gathering No.15
The Gathering took place on August 22, 2020, from 1300-1700h,
with Gisela Hochuli, Glynis Ackermann, Markus Goessi, Irena Kulka, Beatrice Schumacher, Susanne Escher, Nadine Seeger, Ursula Scherrer, Stephan Grossenbacher, Katja Kunz, Francesco Spedicato, Nicole Näf, Astrid Künzler, Thomas Zollinger, Bruno Schlatter, and Dominik Lipp in the old bus depot of Astrid Künzler as part of PerForm! in Winterthur.
In the evening we showed solos created during the day.
The gathering as an open-source performance usually takes place twice a year in public places and festivals with different performance artists.
The invitation is open to the public.
The Gathering is organized by Gisela Hochuli and Dominik Lipp.
The Gathering is the "Collaborative Performance Practice" format of

Photos by Rob Nienburg, video by Daniel Marti/ Emilie Rondez
PerFORM¡ Das kleine Performance Festival

place: Altes Busdepot, Winterthur
KuratorIn: Künzler, Astrid
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

Video, Begleittext

Fotos / Photos
Dauer: 360:00