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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0644)

Kulka, Irena; Trochsler, Fritz Hösli, Brigitte (Performer)
Schumow, Alexander (Performer)
van Sprundel, Heidi (Performer)
Giulietta, Valentina (Performer)
Keller, Remo (Performer)
Stauffacher, Werner (Performer)
Streiff, Barbara (Eventcurator)
Schumow, Aleksander (Eventcurator:Kunsthistoriker)
Kuchen, Ruedi (Camera)

Art in an interdisciplinary process
Project by / curator & artist Barbara Streiff, recognized by since 2005.
You are invited to participate in a world project for progressive artists in art exchange.
Art is often an open platform for freedom of expression, even in societies where this freedom is restricted. This makes art a powerful tool for exposing social issues.
For artists from different fields and cultures around the world, this is the beginning of a new direction in communicative art work as a group in art exchange.
The aim is to promote more communication, respect and acceptance by bringing all cultures together through different works of artistic expression and character. Artistic expression means self-respect and confidence in the future.

New event at Cabaret Voltaire, Dada Haus Zurich, 13.05.2011

Peformance - Video Art - Object Art - Poem - Theater...
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place: Cabaret Voltaire
KuratorIn: Streiff, Barbara; Schumow, Aleksander (Kunsthistoriker)
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

1. Video Performance -Streiff, Barbara;

Video 4:3
Dauer: Performance 100.00/ Video 2.59