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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0636)

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Monika Baer improvises, based on György Kurtág's pieces 'Zeichen, Spiele und
messages' on the extended stage, the staircase, and accompanies PORTE ROUGE and the
and the audience with violin sounds on the way up to the pictures by Tanja Nittka.
The music of the Hungarian composer has occupied and fascinated me for decades: it is at once profound
profound, modern, but also simple (to listen to). For this evening
I am inspired for my improvisations by 7 of his miniatures. In this work, the composer
short musical thoughts and scenes that can be played and interpreted completely independently of each other.
can be played and interpreted completely independently of each other. They are musical sketches, thoughts
or letters which he dedicated to friends, companions or other composers.

* Hommage à John Cage - Faltering Words
* In Memoriam László Mensáros
* Picture postcard to Anna Keller
* ... féerie d'automne ...
* Hommage à J. S. B.
* Doloroso
* Thomas Blum in memoriam

Monika Baer is musically at home on the most diverse stages - from living rooms,
baroque churches to large halls, she devotes herself to music from the Renaissance to the
to the present day. She is particularly interested in chamber music works from times of upheaval
of upheaval and for communication within music. As a teacher at the ZHdK
she deals intensively with contextualization and passionately passes on her experience to future generations of artists.
passion to future generations of artists.


Joa Iselin and Christoph Ranzenhofer

Porte Rouge reveal by concealing, and they conceal by showing.

Under the name Porte Rouge, Joa Iselin and Christoph Ranzenhofer have been creating art and performances for more than
art and performances for more than thirty years.
For the extended stage of WALL&STAGE, the five-storey staircase, Porte Rouge
adapted their fictional art worlds to the specific location.
Perfect, unbiased realities in the form of small episodes with the greatest freedom
with the greatest freedom. They generate playing fields in the spatial situation, which the duo play as actors.
as actors. Their extended realities create backdrops that have a front and a back and are metaphors of life.
metaphors of life. They interweave levels of meaning and create new realities.
Their robes and props are reminiscent of Japanese No theater and sceneries by
Robert Wilson. They are made of linen or raw cotton fabric, sometimes painted in a trompe l'oeil style.
Masks, quotations and covers enable the transformation into a different identity. Playfully
slipping into other roles is part of "being human" and part of life itself.
Porte Rouge reveal by concealing, and they conceal by showing.

Joa Iselin and Christoph Ranzenhofer graduated from the F+F School for Experimental Design in Zurich.
Zurich, since1980 joint installations, actions and performances; live in Berlin (D).
Konzept WALL&STAGE Der Kunstraum Wall&Stage befindet sich an der Peripherie von Zürich Altstetten. Im oberen Stock eines Gewerbgebäudes aus den 60er Jahren. Am selben Ort befinden sich die Ateliers der Betreiberinnen, Hofer, Susanne; Regula Michell und Eliane Rutishauser. Gegründet 2018 besteht W&S aus 37m2 Grundfläche. Herzstück des Ausstellungsraums sind die 14.5m2 grosse Wall und die Stage 2.4m2. Für die Performances wird auch die grosse Treppenhaushalle des Gebäudes genutzt. In den Ausstellungen von Wall&Stage zeigen das vielfältige Wechselspiel zwischen Werken an der Wand und performativer Kunst auf der Bühne.

KuratorIn: Hofer, Susanne; Michell, Regula; Rutishauser, Eliane
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Fotos / Photos
Dauer: 22.02.2022