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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0614)

ACT v2.0
ACT Basel Roshier, Darren (Eventcurator)
Sunarjo, Benjamin (Eventcurator)
Valanovic, Denaja (Eventcurator)
Rochat, Anne (Eventcurator)
Luv, Linda (Eventcurator)
Naef, Riccarda (Eventcurator)
Bratfisch, Ellen (Eventcurator)
Weinberger, Hannah (Eventcurator)
Ergör, Gökce (Eventcurator)
Ritzmann, Marion (Eventcurator)
2020 PDF

for the realization of performative projects. Every year, the festival tours Switzerland and makes stops in various cities. The festival events see themselves as an open laboratory for testing performative projects and artistic strategies.
Lurk, Tabea (Technik; Host) ; Enge, Jürgen (Technik; Host) ; von Allmen, Graziano (Technik; Host)
ACT v2.0

place: online
KuratorIn: Roshier, Darren; Sunarjo, Benjamin; Valanovic, Denaja; Rochat, Anne; Luv, Linda; Naef, Riccarda; Bratfisch, Ellen; Weinberger, Hannah; Ergör, Gökce; Ritzmann, Marion
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Dauer: 15.4.–15.5.2020