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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0593)

Wittmer, Mahtola Steffen, Mirjam (Eventcurator)
Bonderer, Milena (Eventcurator)
Steffen, Mirjam (Camera)

With a hoe I turn a manhole cover
manhole cover and break through
the yellow line that just marked a parking lot. The intervention creates a new drawing in the urban space. I question the placement
of the art. In what frame of reception do we encounter it? Should
and can one encounter it unexpectedly? In my artistic work, I feel the need
to come into direct contact with the everyday world.
Kunsthoch Luzern

place: Luzern
KuratorIn: Steffen, Mirjam; Bonderer, Milena
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Fotoserie (Reihenfolge am Ende vom Dateinamen benennen!) / Photo series (name sequence at the end of the file name!)
Dauer: 3:00