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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0590)

Wittmer, Mahtola Gadola, Lotta (Performer)
Wittmer, Maura (Performer)
Wittmer, Mahtola (Performer)
Blätter, Alexandra (Eventcurator)
Bortone, Enea (Camera:Performance)
Walter, Stefan (Camera:Ausstellungsansicht)

How do you exhibit a performance? Mahtola Wittmer has found a poetic solution to this genre-specific challenge. For her work "Conditions", she hangs three tops on inconspicuous metal hangers on the museum wall. The garments are unusual, with overlong or sewn-together sleeves, or a sleeve that has grown into a heavy-looking lump. The garments are activated by unannounced performances and stand for human states of mind: closedness, melancholy, insecurity, inertia. The subtle intervention surprises the audience, questions what art can trigger and how we read forms and objects as carriers of emotions. - Press release, Lucerne Art Museum
Die Performancedokumentation fand in der Ausstellung Sculpture/Sculpture von Michal Budny und Vittorio Santoro im Kunstmuseum Luzern statt.
zentral! Kunstmuseum Luzern

place: Luzern
KuratorIn: Blätter, Alexandra
Dokumentationstyp: Performance/Aktion für die Kamera / Performance/Action for the Camera


Fotoserie (Reihenfolge am Ende vom Dateinamen benennen!) / Photo series (name sequence at the end of the file name!)
Dauer: 60:00