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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0559)

Balgerei, Klanginstallation

Sound installation by Urban Mäder/Peter Allamand
Eight vacuum cleaners and eight accordions; this is the setting for the installation by Urban Mäder and Peter Allamand. The instruments seem battered, their zenith long since passed. The bellows of the instruments breathe stoically with the last of their strength. The vacuum cleaners pump air into the instruments like breathing machines. The ensemble makes a persistent sound, only to fall silent again immediately.

Musical interventions
The sound installation "Balgerei" can be supplemented with so-called musical interventions, giving it a different face through the interplay with musicians. Such concerts have already been performed by Charlotte Hug viola and voice, Annette Schmucki electronics, Lauren Newton voice, Benjamin Brodbeck drums, Hans Hassler accordion, Gerry Hemingway drums and Marc Unternährer tuba.

place: Altdorf
KuratorIn: Festival Alpentöne Altdorf
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Video 16:9
Dauer: offen