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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0556)

Performanceplattform Labor

Laboratory - the platform for performance art Kaskadenkondensator Basel

From 2003 to 2009, monthly performance meetings took place at Kaskadenkondensator Basel under the name Performance Platform Laboratory. In the afternoons, performance art was actively practiced, reflected upon and documented. The individual labs differed from one another and explored the topic of performance from a variety of angles. Participants were able to bring performance ideas on the respective topics to test them live, whereby individual performances as well as group works were tried out. The performances were then discussed by all participants. Invited guests took on the role of the "outside eye" to deepen the reflection. The laboratory events were open to an audience interested in the process. At the end of each season, a program with a selection of the research findings was presented to the public in the distillate. The open platform Labor gave rise to the performance collective of the same name, LABOR. It performs independently of the Labor cycle at various locations, until 2009 with a variable cast, then as a collaboration with a fixed cast of four.

Labor 39 - Destillat IV - public performance
Responsible for the project: Irene Maag and Isabel Rohner

Lab 38 - The myth of the stranger
Responsible for the project: Irene Maag and Isabel Rohner

Lab 37 The same
Project managers: Irene Maag and Isabel Rohner

Lab 36 The Other
Project managers: Irene Maag and Isabel Rohner

Lab 35 The Own
Responsible for the project: Irene Maag and Isabel Rohner

Laboratory 34- Distillate III public performance
Selections from the 5th laboratory cycle were shown in Destillat III. Tom Lang was already resting on a pedestal with incense sticks in the orangery when the audience gradually arrived in the cascade condenser. A video projection with clips from past laboratory afternoons played above him. He remained asleep on the pedestal until the evening's interval. Hansjörg Köfler showed his work Plastic. He appeared in a white protective suit that was inflated by hairdryers and showed black plastic parts that he held against his body as a kind of joint replacement. Isabel Rohner showed her work sublim, her most romantic performance to date, in which she scattered rice into a pool of water in a picture of birdhouses, white pictures and blossoming apple tree branches. Irene Maag painted a cardboard dress with flowers and Grit Roeser took us to the sea, sprinkled salt in water, waded through the water on a book path and lit up a lighthouse in the sea. Angela Hausheer adapted her Autostop performance to the interior, stood at the door with a written paper board and waited until the audience responded to her "The longer you ignore me...". Ariane Tanner, who had followed the season as a writer, read out a text on the theme of the forest and had a text on the theme of taboo played from the sound system, sitting silently in front of it.

Lab 33 - Taboo/provocation
The topic met with internal rejection, but the interest from outside was all the greater: four new lab participants attended the afternoon. Two sketches and two performances were shown and actively discussed. Sonna Groeflin danced and paced around the room, reflecting on the theme of taboo in words. Hansjörg Köfler showed a picture panel that he had attached to a long stick and then spoke about the consequences of a nuclear disaster with a stick in his hand. After the presentation, which was delivered with many "uh-huhs" and "sticks", he coated an orange with burning paste, set it alight, then peeled the orange and ate it. Isabel Rohner pumped up three sculptures made of brown tape, scattered potatoes, with which she built two small toothpick animals, opened four preserving jars, which mainly contained stench, and threatened the audience with a spoon on which a piece of shit lay ready to be shot. At the end, the brown clapped against the wall above the heads of the audience. Tom Huber had the audience sit in two rows facing each other and explained his idea of a performance in which he would like to enclose the audience in a greenhouse with soil, small plants and a water sprinkler system. Throughout the afternoon, Tom Lang allowed our performances and intense conversations to be disturbed by the playing and noise of his young son. Guest speaker: Lillian Fellmann (curator, Zurich/Lucerne)

Laboratory 32- Happiness
Angela Hausheer stopped her car at the side of the road with a sign on which she had written the word GLÜCK. Next to her was a tied-up cardboard box. After a long wait, a driver pulled over, opened the cardboard box with Angela and threw the white polystyrene snow inside into the air. The video camera had an impact on the situation. Hansjörg Köfler appeared in a suit, with a black umbrella and a black hitchhiker's rucksack on the sunlit terrace in front of the hull. He opened the umbrella and, thanks to an ingenious construction, let it rain. Walking slowly back and forth, he left traces of water on the ground with the raining umbrella. Isabel Rohner, dressed in a white floral dress, carried a bag into the room where a large, round, shallow metal basin filled to the brim with water stood. She took four white pictures and three white birdhouses from the bag, which she hung on the wall with nails. Then she took out seven branches of cherry blossom and attached them to the wall with a nail and some plasticine each, sat down on her knees by the basin, took rice out of a plastic bag and gradually let it splash into the water. Grit Roeser took us to the sea. She carried a kettle full of water into the room. In it were soaked books, which she took out to make a book path as if they were stones. She sprinkled coarse salt into the bucket. Then she stood in the bucket herself, read from a book and dropped playing cards in all four directions. She knocked the bucket over on the wobbly pile of books so that the water flowed towards a flashing light and a gang of branches. Irene Maag entered the room in a concrete cardboard dress reminiscent of Bauhaus times, consisting of a skirt, slippers, top, hat and two cardboard plates for her hands. She performed movements - a kind of mixture of traffic management and fashion poses. She took brushes, paint and water from the cardboard box she had brought with her. She used one of the round cardboard plates as a painter's palette and painted the dress with red-yellow naïve flowers and blue strokes, which was a little difficult on the back. Finally, she rubbed the two cardboard plates together and made a brown copy. Then she posed once more, now in a colorful dress, and left the room. Angela Hausheer demonstrated the tea bag rocket by carefully dismantling a tea bag into its individual parts, forming the bag paper into a tube, setting it up and lighting it, whereby the paper burned off and finally flew into the air. Pastor Urs-Beat Fringeli, who was the guest speaker for the first half of the afternoon, gave the afternoon an unctuous, appreciative tone. Guest speaker: Urs-Beat Fringeli, Catholic priest and author of "The Seven Rooms of Happiness", Wolfwil

Laboratory 31- Gesamtkunstwerk
This time we declared the laboratory itself to be a Gesamtkunstwerk. Entering the laboratory room was the prelude to a three-hour performance. All participants brought an idea for an action or a concept with them and began to implement it immediately after entering the room - in the knowledge that everything (clothing, props and action) was part of the Gesamtkunstwerk. Hansjörg Köfler, for example, stretched threads of hot glue from his wooden frame to everything in the room. Isabel Rohner's one hand was stuck in a water-filled condom, which had a disfiguring effect. She showed the others various parts of her body and provocatively claimed that they were perfect. Irene Maag typed on a typewriter and read out what she had written at the end. Werner Suter poured a small bag of sand on the floor at the back of the room. Andrea Vägh read aloud from the newspaper she had brought with her. Tom Lang was kneeling on the floor working on the laptop he had brought with him and tying a short rope. The ratio of documenters to performers was disproportionately high. In addition to Ralph Hauswirth and Simone Fuchs, someone else was also taking photographs for the Basellandschaftliche Zeitung. With Ariane Tanner, Irene Maag, Tom Lang and a journalist, the writers were also well represented. At the end of the afternoon, it was considered whether it was more of a three-hour performance improvisation or documentation of the documentation and not a complete work of art. The collaboration between Carnet (Ralph Hauswirth) and the laboratory resulted in an extremely detailed booklet documenting the afternoon.

08.12. 2007
Lab 30- Sculpture
On this laboratory afternoon, three individual performances were shown and a group improvisation was tried out. Hansjörg Köfler appeared in a white protective suit, which was inflated by hairdryers, and showed black plastic parts, which he held to his body as a kind of joint replacement. Irene Maag dragged plastic legs leashed together around the room as a dog substitute. Angela Hausheer filled plastic cups labeled with the names of her friends with water and drank the cups in a variety of ways. During the group improvisation, we used black garbage bags to make robes for ourselves, in which we improvised rustling with transparent plastic bags and gloves. Guest speaker: Reem Almannai (Dipl. Arch. ETH, Basel)

Laboratory 29- Expanding the concept of art
Hansjörg Köfler showed an extension of the concept of art in the sense of a modification of a common ritual by technically replacing the blowing out of candles at birthdays. Candles were placed in a revolving frame reminiscent of a cage. An electric barman served as the drive. Isabel Rohner, whose birthday was the closest, was allowed to press the button, whereupon the rotating frame began to turn and the candles flew around and were partially blown out. Irene Maag entered the room wearing clothes reminiscent of a torero. A bull drawn on a large piece of wrapping paper was waiting there. Isabel Rohner held up the paper, which was fixed to a crossbar, and moved it. Irene Maag strutted around the room rattling a castanet, reminiscent of a flamenco dancer. Wearing a red sweater as a scarf, she teased the bull. She then recounted the complex history and - by order of the Supreme Court - the change in value of a billboard in the shape of a bull for brandy and sherry to Andalusian cultural heritage. At the end, she drew an udder on the bull with a red felt-tip pen. Azat Cetin's otherwise disruptive, dominant and egocentric willingness to act, who didn't really know what he was taking part in that afternoon, expressed itself positively for once at the end of Irene Maag's performance by taking up the drawing she had put down again and playing a more animated, wild and convincing bullfight with Irene Maag. Azat Cetin's proposed group exercise - walking around the room and speaking/singing/shouting "one" - was then rather unambitiously endured. Guest of honor: Miro Schawalder (artist from Zurich)

Laboratory 28 - Forest
Angela Hausheers invited Isabel Rohner and Hansjörg Köfler to join in the performance. The three of them spread out in a wooded area and began to stick Post-it stickers to themselves, thus integrating themselves into the deciduous forest. In his performance, Hansjörg Köfler treated one of his legs and an arm like a plant by first trimming the clothes, tying off the limbs and then burying the leg and arm in the forest floor. Wearing white latex surgical gloves, he operated himself free again. Irene Maag had chestnuts with words written on them pulled out of a hat and the audience put on a short performance with them. Isabel Rohner knelt in a white flowery dress in the middle of seven whitewashed trees with seven hanging birdhouses. She had a ball of pink velvet ribbons in front of her, which she was unraveling. She unrolled the seven velvet ribbons in a star shape away from her and placed an egg at the end of each one. She made sounds with a bird whistle and we all listened for answers from the forest. Guest of honor: Asti Roesle, Dipl. Forsting. ETHZ and Greenpeace forest campaigner Location: Allschwil forest

Laboratory 27 - Distillate II
At Destillat II, selected live performances from last season's laboratory events were shown, as well as the two videos Mac Beth and Kastenstück, which were created in Bern. The evening was hosted by Angela Hausheer. Irene Maag opened the distillate with her performance flying, in which she caught popcorn popping out of the pan with a butterfly net and spoke weighty words while eating the individual popcorns, before putting the net over her head and beginning to fly herself. In her performance Kulturlandschaft, Isabel Rohner created a landscape with lots of material, hay, water-filled pet bottles, garden soil, tin cans, broccoli, a fragmented picture of a cow, hay bales and a smoke machine, which soon disappeared again in the chaos of deconstruction. Angela Heusheer read excerpts from the text Material by Florian Neuner. In his work Kasko-Gambia-Kasko, Hansjörg Köfler whirled around chalk dust-filled wag bowls, which he had wrapped around his neck with strings, until a white cloud floated in the room. He then crushed two carefully prepared dusters with a fork, which also turned into small clouds of dust. The writer Ariane Tanner framed the performances with readings of her associative-spontaneous-performance-inspired texts, which were written during the laboratory afternoons. For all those who missed the laboratory distillate, a 3-minute condensate could be seen on Telebasel and YouTube.

13.-15.04.07 and 20.-22.04.07
Labor B at the Progr Bern
Over two weekends, Labor was given the opportunity to devote itself to new Labor group performance concepts in a studio residency at PROGR Bern. On the first weekend we tested some concepts and collected further ideas: we made a brainstorming poem, touched the wall or the floor with one to seven points of the body, created five different room climates, played a Jaa motivation game and practiced a performative actinstorming with chocolate lips, walking hands-in-shoes, telling a secret, getting into a rage, a drinking dog, a clothes drier and a macho clothes thief. We then tested the machine concept, in which someone starts with a monotonous movement that is picked up and carried on by the others. Finally, we used the boards of the installation boxes to perform various cultural landscapes focusing on architecture, machinery, death and nature. After a surfeit of grassroots democracy, a laboratory management system was reintroduced on the second weekend and we worked specifically on the group concept of the cabinet piece and the play. Schrankstück: 8 built-in boxes (in two blocks of four) of the former classroom and 8 performers. The performers are in the cupboard, which they are allowed to leave once to perform. "Sargstück" (working title) is a variation of "Schrankstück" and is conceived for two video monitors on the floor with a screen facing upwards. In this performance, the performers did not leave the cupboards, but only opened the cupboard doors. Macbeth/Shakespeare: We performed the stage directions from the play Macbeth. First attempt in the room, second in the courtyard of the Progr. For the video recording of the play, we found an ideal stage set in Bern at an old factory under the bridge.

Laboratory 26: Exchange of performance recipes
In Lab 26 we performed according to performance recipes we had brought along and exchanged by lot. Accompanied by a text read aloud, a domesticated cultural landscape was constructed with a lot of material, only to disappear into chaos again immediately. Following someone else's recipe, a performative self-portrait was shown with Post-it notes, a dance performance with a slowly disappearing water trail was presented and a singing elephant was shown on a table supported by pine trees. The guests Petra Köhle and Nic Vermont (artist couple from Zurich) reflected on what they had seen.

Laboratory K2 at the UND#2 in Karlsruhe
For the second time, Labor was invited to UND#2 (platform for the presentation of art initiatives) in Karlsruhe, where five performers presented their individual works on the performance day. Tom Lang paced the room with Movements, Angela Hausheer enticed the audience with Angel 07 in front of the microphone with the figure Titi, Irene Maag entangled an exhibition visitor with her work between in a fragile spaghetti construct, Hansjörg Köfler rolled himself up into a ball of rags in Transformation 2 in his clothes, which he had previously cut up piece by piece, and walked around the rest of the evening clothed in this way, and Isabel Rohner created an artificial natural birch forest in her performance Lichtgarten.

Lab 25: Group concepts
After a group improvisation with Teremin (sound instrument that reacts to warmth/proximity), two different group exercises were performed, impulses were passed on and redirected in Zip-Zap-Bong and perception was strengthened in the walking game with dynamic, interrelated movements in space. The group concept of visual action-performance-band was then implemented: Everyone began to work with the materials (instruments) they had brought with them on an unplanned area. A wooden pallet was torn apart with a pair of pliers, individual actions were illuminated with a construction spotlight, towers were built with apples and toothpicks, trouser pockets were emptied, mirrors were placed over two pots of boiling water, legs were depilated with painter's tape and words were written on small pieces of paper. They made music together visually.

Lab 24: Fragility - Failure as a quality
Is it possible to fail on purpose? What does failure look like in performance? Do you only fail when you yourself perceive it as failure? Lab 24 dealt with questions like these. The lab afternoon began with a performance course with various stations and tasks that had to be solved or endured within two minutes: flying; yoga tree; Hulahopp with a tire; scissors-rock-paper in pairs; singing in two voices alone; tightrope walking on a horizontal rope; meditation on the question of how the clapping of a hand sounds; blindly writing a sentence with raw soup letters. Then there was a solo performance on the theme, in which the performer turned around himself and swung two metal bowls filled with white powder around the room on a string around his neck. The failure was due to the performer. The second performance, in which several plastic bags were formed into an air-filled object that could be walked on, seemed more fragile in terms of both the preparation and the task set. The guest performer was Rahel Lüchinger, a movement actress from Zurich.

Lab 23: Chaos / Overstimulation
After some experimental warm-up exercises with and without material, an individual performance on the theme was shown. Popcorn was roasted in a pan on an electric stove and the popcorns that popped out were caught with a butterfly net, salted and eaten one by one by putting a word on each individual popcorn. The starting point for the art activity that followed was a row of chairs with a table at the end and the question of what constitutes a chaotic object. All those present were asked to sit on the chairs and pass on a wide variety of objects, including battery-operated devices, until they were lying on the table at the end, but this was only partially complied with. While a thick book was read aloud, people searched for the chaotic object. Tex Tschurtschenthaler, who describes himself as a practicing chaotic person, spoke on the topic as a guest speaker.

Labor P in Torun / Poland - Two-gether
On the occasion of the exhibition "Break into a Swiss Bank" by Polish artist groups, Labor organized Labor P in the DLA Gallery in Torun, Poland, under the title "Two-gether". Swiss and Polish artists each formed a performance duo and worked together on a short performance, which was shown, discussed and documented in the plenum. With the help of the audience, raw spaghetti was used to fill the space between two performers standing next to each other, matches were alternately lit and blown out, heart sounds were listened to with a stethoscope, two people acted as a gold-shitting donkey, a performance couple stomped around on the kitchen tray and two different poetic perspectives were projected onto the same objects.

Lab 22: Work - tending the garden
The theme of "work" was a synergy with the performance series on the theme of "work out". The performance group @work from Berlin took an active part in the laboratory. It was a labor-intensive afternoon with extensive discussion on the topic, in which Esther Suter, a gardener from Basel, fell silent as a guest speaker and the eloquent Berliners got down to business. Butter was made with an antique butter churn and the result was served to those present on bread rolls. A lively drinks machine served those present not only verbal thoughts on the topic from a tape recorder but also quince juice made by hand. In an "individual group performance", a tower was built with cardboard, a sledgehammer was staged, frozen peas were performed and texts on gardening and work were recited, after which a tableau vivant was staged with all participants. With 12 transparent household sacks filled with paper shredder and numerous gardening tools such as rakes, pitchforks, baskets, compost tubs, string, work clothes, watering cans and branches, a group improvisation took place in a defined playing field at the end, with around 20 minutes of workaholic and playful improvisation. Gardener Esther Suter commented as a guest speaker.

05.05.06 | 20:00 h
Labor 21 - Destillat - public performance
Kaskadenkondensator, Basel Labor 21 will be a rich performance evening with exquisite performance specialties from past laboratories as well as new creations with the typical pinch of laboratory character. There will be plenty to draw on, memories will be revived and re-salted. Performances by and with: Martin Blum, Simone Fuchs, Hansjörg Köfler, Irene Maag, Isabel Rohner, Werner Suter and Peter Waldvogel. Snacks, bar and music afterwards. Responsible for the project: Irene Maag & Isabel Rohner Admission: 13.-/8.-

22.04.06 | 14:00 h
Laboratory S in Solothurn, Künstlerhaus S11: Theatrical Performances

What do we mean by theatrical performance? How do performance and theater express themselves? Are there any differences at all? In Laboratory S at Künstlerhaus S11 in Solothurn, we take from theater what is useful for performance. Martina Süess, the actress invited as a guest speaker, will make her personal and professional statement in a short performative lecture. As a group, we will devote ourselves to a score based on Beckett's play "Waiting for Godot". Participants can present a performance in line with the theme and/or based on the score, which will be reviewed by those present. The audience and new participants are welcome. Guest speaker: Martina Süess, actress Basel Head of Lab S: Tom Lang & Irene Maag Project managers: Irene Maag & Isabel Rohner 02.04.06 | 14:00 Laboratory 20: The collected works In Laboratory 20 we draw from the full, pick memories that we want to revive, reinterpret, pose, disguise and reinvent.

Lab 20 serves as a joint preparation for Lab 21, the public performance on May 5 in the Kaskadenkondensator, where we want to serve selected performance specialties from past labs, among other things. Please bring all necessary materials and your personal performance hit list. Newcomers are very welcome. Responsible for the project: Irene Maag & Isabel Rohner

09.03.06 - 12.03.06
Labor K: Long-term performances in Karlsruhe
Labor is invited to Karlsruhe and organizes during UND (platform for the presentation of art initiatives in Karlsruhe plus international guests) the Labor K on the topic of long-term performances. Responsible for the project: Irene Maag & Isabel Rohner

UND#1 - Platform for the presentation of art initiatives in Karlsruhe plus international guests
Under this heading, 9 art initiatives from Karlsruhe as well as a project from Basel/Switzerland and Torun/Poland will be presenting themselves for the first time this year in addition to Art Karlsruhe from March 9 to 12, 2006. In the former supermarket at Markgrafenstr. 17-19 (Waldhornplatz near the Kap and Künstlerhaus), each initiative will have a stand offering insights into its concept and previous activities, e.g. exhibitions, events, exhibiting artists, etc. The stand will be open to the public. In addition, works by members of the respective initiatives or artists selected by them will be on display in the approx. 600 square meter space. A spatial subdivision of the initiatives was deliberately avoided in favor of a loose division into an exhibition and information area. The result is an androgynous combination of trade fair and exhibition or project space. This concept is also underlined by numerous special features and events.

04.03.06 | 2:00 pm
Laboratory 19 - Performance/Installation
Labor 19 examines the relationship between installation and performance. On the one hand, the installation should be the starting point for the performance, on the other hand, a performance can also be shown in which an independent installation remains in the room at the end. What does an installation that has emerged from a performance look like? What position does a performance artist take within an installation? A process-oriented audience is welcome. Responsible for the project: Irene Maag & Isabel Rohner

04.02.06 | 14:00 h
Lab 18 - Language-image-visual language
How is language used in performance? How do different performance artists deal with the voice? How can the written word flow into a performance? Are language and the image produced congruent? Lab 18 examines spoken language in performance and the relationship between language and image. In the first part of the afternoon, a vocal coach will challenge our voices. In the second part, we will work on a wide variety of performance fragments based on a given text or show prepared works on the topic, which will be commented on by the voice artist and those present. Responsible for the project: Irene Maag & Isabel Rohner

08.01.06 | 14:00 h
Lab 17 - What to do when there is a fire? IMPROVE! INTERVENE!
In Lab 17 we trigger precarious situations. It bubbles, steams, drips and smokes. Interested parties are cordially invited to provoke and overcome. We look forward to your little crisis! Extinguish or pour oil on the fire? Act in any case. Take along: Safety and crisis management utensils of all kinds. Head of Lab 17: Martin Blum Project managers: Irene Maag & Isabel Rohner

5.11.05 l 2 - 6 p.m.
Laboratory 16 - Naturalness/Artificiality
In Lab 16 we are investigating naturalness/artificiality. The theme will be taken up on both the content and the formal level and realized performatively. Please bring along objects related to the topic. A fully developed performance can be shown, a sketch or a work can be developed on site. The focus is on a creative examination of the topic. Manual Lab 16: - Present a performance on the topic of naturalness/artificiality. - Explain a performance idea or a performance project that cannot be realized at the moment or in the framework / space of the laboratory. - Bring along objects (artificial or natural) that you can use to give an explanation, lecture, etc. Head: Hajück Köfler with the project managers Irene Maag and Isabel Rohner Guest speaker: Dr. Benjamin Amber (biochemist)

16.10.05 | 14:00 h
Laboratory 15 - "Hommage a .."
In Labor 15, performances that have already been seen - i.e. those by other authors - are appropriated, adapted to the current situation, restaged and performed. Dr. iur. lawyer Christine Weisskopf will speak about the legal basis, explain terms such as copyright and copyright law and answer questions. The audience is welcome. Responsible for the project: Irene Maag and Isabel Rohner Guest speaker: Dr. iur. attorney Christine Weisskopf

Performance weekend in Mohren
The second season of the performance platform Labor was concluded with the Performance Sport performance in the Kaskadenkondensator. Before it continues in October with Labor 15-21, a performance weekend will take place in Mohren, Appenzell. Two days of pure laboratory, with time for performative investigations. Saturday: warm-up with various physical exercises, yoga and reflections on neutral walking, as well as improvisations with existing materials. This is followed by the development and creation of your own performance, which will be presented and discussed in the evening. Sunday: Tableaux vivants en groupe. Photos are taken of various performance images from the group. Discussion and planning of the third lab cycle. We will look back on the past labs and plan how to continue. Leader: Isabel Rohner and Irene Maag

28.05.05 | 20:00 h
Lab14 - Performance-Sport (public performance)
Inspired by TheatersportTM, a competition between two improv teams, two performance teams compete against each other in the Kaskadenkondensator. The audience helps determine the tasks to be performed and evaluates the quality of the performances. Martin Burr will host the evening. Concept and project managers: Irene Maag and Isabel Rohner

30.04.05 | 2:00 pm
Laboratory 13 - The performing body
The performer is at the center of the investigations. With introductory performance exercises, the perception of body and space will be trained/cultivated and possibilities tested to prepare for the performance. We examine the quality of physical presence and the transmission of the idea on the basis of our performances. Project managers: Irene Maag and Isabel Rohner Head of Lab 13: Stella Pfeiffer and Irene Maag

19.03.05 | 14:00 Laboratory 12 - Gleichgeschaltet
Lab 12 takes to the streets and moves through public space. The participants receive instructions via headphones, are directed by others and brought into line. Freedom of movement and individuality are questioned. Surveillance cameras, such as those found at train stations, shopping centers, streetcars and banks, document our activities. Project managers: Irene Maag and Isabel Rohner Head of Lab 12: Isabel Rohner and Alex Meszmer

27.02.05 | 2:00 pm
Lab 11 - Performative communication - communicative performance
How can you present a performance without showing the action itself? Is the presentation of the event or the idea itself already a performance? The question of the communicability of a performance that has (not) happened will be explored using the aforementioned examples. In the second part of the afternoon, performers will choose a performance based on the results of the mediation and show it according to their understanding.
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place: Basel, Schweiz und Europa
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Fotos / Photos
Dauer: 2003-2009