Sunday, March 24, 2002, between 2 and 6 p.m., Kunstpanorama Lucerne
Installation. Gestures and sounds for voices, instruments and image (video) in space
based on a text by Thomas Locher
ensemble scappatella
Urs Weibel alto
Pius Strassmann recorder
Maria Karrer violin
Thomas Widmer viola da gamba
Hartmann, Christian; Violone
Albert, Judith; Video
Mäder, Urban; Composition/Conception
Thomas Locher's text revolves around the identity "I". The penetrating nature of this language has a tendency towards self-dissolution. Just as the search for identity is thematized on the level of the text, so is the music in the finding of the sound play in direct connection with the approach to the scenic play of the play gesture, to the play of body language. The question of presence is also posed by the juxtaposition of synchronous live sound gestures and virtual time-shifted video sound gestures.
Thomas Locher's peculiar and unique text work
is more a catalog of possible approaches to identity than a dramaturgically purposeful closed work. Thus, the presentation of further musical and visual design works must elude the closed dramaturgy.
Visitors will be able to choose their own visiting times during the approximately 4-hour installation.
automatically translated from german