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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0508)

Dual Reality
Kovacevska, Verica Zeeb, Gunda (Eventcurator)
Mosimann, Sam (Eventcurator)

“Dual Reality” is an audio walk created in collaboration with visually impaired residents at the Stiftung Mühlehalde in Zurich.
The walk is based on the artist’s interviews with the residents and describes their experiences when walking in public space.
The work is accessed via an app, VoiceMap, which uses the smart phone's location to play audio automatically at the right time and place.

“Dual Reality” bridges the gap between sighted and nonsighted persons. Despite the presence of the Stiftung Mühlehalde in District 7, people with visual infirmity are not sufficiently integrated into the neighborhood and the city in large. Their knowledge and understanding of public space could be integral in helping us create more inclusive neighborhoods.

“Dual Reality” was created for the “About Us!” festival and is now permanently on display at the Stiftung Mühlehalde. In doing so, this ephemeral work was transformed into something more permanent with a real impact to the local community.
A video documentation of the work is being developed together with Swiss cinematographer Severin Kuhn and could be presented in an exhibition/screening. Photo Documentation: Sava Hlavacek Voice in the audio: Daniel Mezger
The work can still be downloaded to a mobile phone and listened to (even without walking).
About Us!

place: Stiftung Mühlehalde, Zurich
KuratorIn: Zeeb, Gunda; Mosimann, Sam
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

Audio, which can be heard here:

Fotoserie (Reihenfolge am Ende vom Dateinamen benennen!) / Photo series (name sequence at the end of the file name!)
Dauer: 45:00