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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0491)

Unternährer, Beat Panch (Eventcurator)
Kühne, Ralph (Camera)

Drehung II is the acoustic continuation of the work Drehung I, which was realized at great expense with the inclusion of electronics and 8-channel sound. Drehung II: Reduction to the acoustic sound and especially at the beginning in the long phase without sound, a connection to the sounds of the surroundings is created. The very over-acoustic room atmosphere in the Neubad Lucerne gives the work great spatiality and depth.
Der Teaser: Antörner wurde später (2018) ebenfalls von Ralph Kühne geschnitten und bearbeitet.

place: Neubad, Luzern
KuratorIn: Panch
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

Videodoku apple prores 422: Drehung II_01 Videoteaser apple prores 422: Drehung II_Antörner HD_02

Video 4:3
Dauer: 19:15