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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0490)

Escher, Susanne Seeger, Nadine (Performer)
Mahler, Beatrice (Performer)
Seeger, Nadine (Eventcurator)
Bannwart, Franz (Camera)

It is a sound installation with found material. Reinforcing iron, metal pipes, tools, pieces of wood. Through improvisation I can make the space audible. To make the decay audible.
The objects are connected to the space. The sound enlivens the space and makes it tangible. I play on the installation during the performance and move around in the space. The objects are mobile and continue to move and sound automatically in spiral circles. Finally, I play long notes on the clarinet. Two voices from the gallery respond and join in. The echo from above.
Performance text:
Only in its dissolution, in its decay, does sound become audible. Before that, it exists pupated in space.
In its spiraling, circling, protective shell around its center. A thin skin of silence.
Zerfall und Verpuppung Symposium

place: Ancien Synagoge Hégenheim
KuratorIn: Seeger, Nadine
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

Fotos: Susanne_Escher_2019_SONSANSSON_01 Susanne_Escher_2019_SONSANSSON_02 Susanne_Escher_2019_SONSANSSON_03 Susanne_Escher_2019_SONSANSSON_04

Video 4:3
Dauer: 10