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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0415)

Streifenweise Selbstreflexion

On International Kissing Day (06.07.2021), the performance collective Kollabor was kissed awake from its six-year slumber by Mirzlekid, who extended his invitation to the performance festival perFORM! in Winterthur to Kollabor. Kollabor decided to perform together with Mirzlekid's mirror sticks, whereupon Mirzlekid made a body-length mirror stick for the Kollaborant:innen.

Mirzlekid welcomed the spectators, potential co-performers and passers-by and introduced the concept:

The sticks, which vary in length, thickness and shape and are fitted with mirror foil, serve as walking sticks for everyone. The audience is invited to perform with them and with Kollabor or to walk along the streets, through the city, out into the countryside and over the mountains. Or the audience can take the mirror sticks with them to the next event, place them in front of the door and take them back with them when they leave. The participants can experiment with them, reflect light, capture colors or reflect themselves, others and other things in them. The mirror sticks are a walking stick, measuring stick and mirror all in one. Because the mirrors on the sticks consist of strips, you can only see what is reflected in sections, in strips. Walking or hiking is self-reflective. The mirror rods can support the participants in this by allowing them to see themselves and others reflected in strips. This allows striped self-reflection to take place. Last but not least, the Covid-19 protective measures also require a distance of 1.5 meters to be maintained. This can be checked easily and promptly from time to time using the mirror bars. The rods are 1.2 to 2.4 meters long.

The performance Streifenweise Selbstreflexion consists of personally improvised parts, in which the audience can also participate, and collective intermezzi by Kollabor. In the personal improvisations, you are free to experiment with the mirror sticks and make contact with others through performance.
The Kollabor intermezzi consist of nine different arrangements, of which Mirzlekid, Irene and Isabel each contributed three. These are choral performance ideas for Kollabor for three:

1: Knees (by Irene)
2: Mandala (by Irene)
3: Ballance (by Irene)
4: Tibetans (by Isabel)
5: Metronome (from Isabel)
6: Language ("Numbers" and "Measuring" by Isabel)
7: Picking up sticks and tilting them in the direction of movement... (beginning and end, by Mirzlekid)
8: Eye game (from Mirzlekid)
9: Temples (from Mirzlekid)

The collaborators can call out a number between one and nine between the free improvisations, depending on their mood. Kollabor then comes together and carries out the agreement: On the count of one, the collaborators line up in a triangle, all squat down and each hold a mirror stick as a spacer to the other, forming a triangle. In two, the collaborators form an isosceles mandala on the floor with the rods. In three, you balance your mirror stick on your head. In four, the stick and the bodies are used as measuring instruments for the section of road to be walked on by lying down next to the stick several times in a row on a straight line. In five, you place the stick in front of you and let it tilt back and forth synchronously. For six, you recite the word "numbers" thirty times in a row at your own pace and the word "measure" thirty times before or after. On seven, the number that simultaneously marks the beginning and end of a performance, you pick up the stick lying on the floor and tip it away in the direction of movement or put it down for the end. With eight, you observe different reflections on your pole with one eye. For nine, stand sideways to each other at stick distance and clamp sticks lengthwise between the temples.

In Winterthur, Ariane Tanner and a second woman performed for a while.
Kulturnacht Winterthur: 25. September 2021, Steinberggasse 18:30-19:30 Uhr, Oberer Graben 20:30-21:30 Uhr
PerFORM¡ Das kleine Performance Festival

place: Kulturnacht Winterthur, Winterthur
KuratorIn: Künzler, Astrid
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Fotoserie (Reihenfolge am Ende vom Dateinamen benennen!) / Photo series (name sequence at the end of the file name!)
Dauer: zweimal 60:00 min