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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0335)

Wasser. Trinken.
Zollinger, Thomas Harboe, Julia (Eventcurator)
Niederberger, Jörg [Forumclaque Baden] (Eventcurator)
Toth, Andreas (Camera:Videokamera)

forumclaque Baden: "The artists will perform actions at fixed times in very specific places and in a regular rhythm, which may originate from everyday life or be removed from it. The recognizability will not come from the announcement of the artist and his work, but from the fact that the activities are very easy to understand, but the place or time of action does not correspond to general habits." Taking a glass of water from Biel to Baden (train) and drinking it there in the Badgasse (pedestrian zone), returning with the empty glass. Just that, nothing else. A 5-day ritual.

This "Water. Drink." (19.05.1999) stands as event 103 in the catalog of 144 published or public events in a conceptual context with the 12 months performance 12.09.1998-11.09.1999 (see separate project "12 months performance / CH loves art" on this platform).
„Wasser. Trinken.“ heisst auch eine der 12 Kernstrukturen der 12 Monate Performance. Die Ritualisierung geschah innerhalb von 12 öffentlich zugänglichen 24 Stunden Performances (pdf Wasser. Trinken. - 12x24h). Wilde und kreativ-performative Kameraführung durch Andreas Toth. Schnitt Thomas Zollinger. Videoqualität Hi8, digitalisiert.
Projekte zeitgenössischer Kunst im öffentlichen Raum 8. Mai bis 12. Juni 1999

place: Baden
KuratorIn: Harboe, Julia; Niederberger, Jörg [Forumclaque Baden]
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

pdf „Wasser. Trinken. - Baden“ pdf „Wasser. Trinken. - 12x24h“

Video 4:3
Dauer: 45:27