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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0312)

Cracks in the Soul
Nilo, Dawn Nilo, Dawn (Performer)
Schädler, Sabine (Performer)
Exhibited at (Eventcurator)
Nilo, Johannes (Camera)

La performance reflète l'architecture de l'âme du fou dans l'environnement et fait partie du projet de performance IS A POET IS A FOOL, qui tourne autour de la figure du fou. Il a débuté en 2014 et englobe de nombreux supports, notamment des performances en direct, des photos et des vidéos, des sculptures, des installations, des dessins, des peintures et de la poésie. Il s'agit d'une recherche absurde et parfois apparemment futile d'un sens existentiel au milieu de la folie du début du 21e siècle. Le fou observe les choses de l'extérieur, au-delà du temps et de l'espace, déstabilisant la réalité juste assez pour obtenir une perspective plus large. La compréhension de cette perspective ici et maintenant n'est pas donnée, mais le fou offre un sentiment de son existence.
Aside from basic color corrections, the images have not been digitally edited or manipulated. All optical oddities in the image have been achieved through the use of mirrors. There are five 30x40 cm prints in 30x40cm frames. And two 30x40 cm prints in 50x60cm frames.
Just in case the description did not go through: Description The performance reflects the soul architecture of the fool in the environment and is a part of the ongoing IS A POET IS A FOOL performance project, which revolves around the figure of the fool. The project began in 2014 and encompasses many mediums, including live, photo and video performances, sculptures, installations, drawings, paintings and poetry. It is an absurd and at times seemingly futile search for existential meaning amidst the insanity of the early 21st century. The fool observes things as an outsider, from beyond time and space, destabilizing reality just enough to gain a larger perspective. Understanding that perspective in the here and now is not given, but the fool offers a feeling for its existence. Aside from basic color corrections, the images have not been digitally edited or manipulated. All optical oddities in the image have been achieved through the use of mirrors. Exhibited at List Art Fair, Basel CH, with the Performance Art Network Switzerland (2018) Norde Theatre, Saint Louis France, Regionale 19, curated by Adrian Jutard (2018) Goetheanum Backofen,Dornach CH, Work Presentation Dawn Nilo, curated by Miriam Wahl (2019) A Performance Affair, Brussels Gallery Weekend, BE, Represented by Contemporary Monk and Balzer Projects (2019) Kunsthaus Aussersihl, Zurich, CH, Bonus Track 6, Public Art vitrine (2020) The Kitchen Aufderhoehe, Arlesheim, CH, Nilo& NILO, What Remains, curated by 18 curated (2020) Swiss Art Awards online exhibition, Basel, CH, Curated by the Swiss Federal Arts council (2020) Concept Dawn Nilo Performed by Dawn Nilo and Sabine Schädler Photographer Johannes Nilo

place: Performance - GGG Atelier Haus Basel
KuratorIn: Exhibited at
Dokumentationstyp: Performance/Aktion für die Kamera / Performance/Action for the Camera

Photo, costumes, installation

Fotoserie (Reihenfolge am Ende vom Dateinamen benennen!) / Photo series (name sequence at the end of the file name!)