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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0300)

12 Stunden Gehen
Zollinger, Thomas; Mattis, Christian; Gassmann, Verena; Kloeti, Hans; Rieben, Margrit; Daeppen, Susanne; Müller-Othzen, Jürgen Chen, An (Performer)
Schwarz, Barbara (Performer)
Strangfeld, Beate (Performer)
Eberle, Bernhard (Performer)
Zimmermann, Christine (Performer)
Imhof, Corinne (Performer)
Jakob, Daniel (Performer)
Schär, Elisabeth (Performer)
Meier, Evelin (Performer)
Töndury, Gian (Performer)
Müller, Franz (Performer)
Wüthrich, Katharina (Performer)
Westmoreland, Lotti (Performer)
Schöni, Marcus (Performer)
Hänggi, Michael (Performer)
Baumeler, Pius (Performer)
Larsson, Regina (Performer)
Bottiglieri, Sandro (Performer)
Christ, Therese (Performer)
Morgenthaler, Ueli (Performer)
Egger, Ursula (Performer)
Castelberg, Susanne (Camera:Fotografierechte)
Linsi, Martin (Camera:Fotografierechte)

In this project, Biel and the Seeland region with a total of 37 municipalities were declared an action area for 12 hours. 576 randomly selected people in these municipalities were invited via a mailing to participate as a walking actor. Two people accepted. Members of the executive and legislative bodies in the action area were also invited. The prospect of just walking for 12 hours did not entice anyone. The central part of the project was a walking performer as a reference for public space (Zentralplatz Biel) and a walking performer as a reference for private space (a brightly lit apartment visible from the outside). A representative of the visual arts, dance, theater and music as well as two photographers had the task of exploring the relationship between the reductive act of walking and their own medium. The project was open to other people who were interested in developing an approach to walking for 12 hours. The individual course of action was to provide information about the type and sequence of actions, the walking distances and the individual walking speed. A total of 30 people walked for 12 hours as part of the project. The concept included locating as many empty stores as possible and keeping them accessible and open throughout the 12 hours. The situation as it presented itself for the performance ultimately included five stores and two galleries in Biel and Siselen. An installation of poster stands with world-format posters in the city center nevertheless brought the inconspicuous walking project to the public's attention.
Als Dokumentationsmedium wurde die Fotografie gewählt, hier die beiden Fotoserien mit je 12 Fotos, in gewollter abstrakt-künstlerischer Umsetzung. Ergänzend dokumentieren die individuell mit Text, Bild, Zeichnung oder Grafik gestalteten Handlungsabläufe die Performance. Der Text „ Gehen im Schnittpunkt der Künste“ berichtet von der Entstehung des Projekts und den dreijährigen Vorbereitungen. Das Projekt wurde von Stadt Biel und Kanton Bern grosszügig unterstützt und unter anderen paradoxerweise auch durch Opel Suisse. Die regionale Medienresonanz war wie gewünscht enorm (Bieler Tagblatt, Journal du Jura, Biel/Bienne, Lokalradio Canal 3).

place: Biel/Bienne und Seeland
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

pdf Handlungsabläufe pdf "Gehen im Schnittpunkt der Künste"

Fotoserie (Reihenfolge am Ende vom Dateinamen benennen!) / Photo series (name sequence at the end of the file name!)