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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0237)

Denken wie ein Berg
(2008) /

Thinking like a mountain 2007/08/14

The work is designed to provide a structure for exploring inner images. By inner images we mean fantasies and ideas about ourselves, identity and home, longings. Both artists have their own field of work; the creation of the images is a collaboration between performance art and photography.
Different biographical and artistic backgrounds broaden the perspective on the work: Christine Bänninger's performance refers to the mountain as a place that prompts her to perform specific actions. Johanna Encrantz's photography seeks to capture moods that she finds or stages in the landscape.

We travel to different destinations in the Swiss Alps and Pre-Alps at different times of the year. The dates are fixed in advance and we let ourselves be surprised by the general situation and, in particular, by the weather.
Die Bergspitzen: Säntis, Kronberg, Pilatus, Corvatsch, Eggishorn, Jungfraujoch, Braunwald

place: Kunstraum Wengihof, Zürich
KuratorIn: Wandeler, Sofie
Dokumentationstyp: Performance/Aktion für die Kamera / Performance/Action for the Camera


Fotoserie (Reihenfolge am Ende vom Dateinamen benennen!) / Photo series (name sequence at the end of the file name!)
Dauer: 7 Tage