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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0226)

The Prisoners Dilemma Model +- staged
Naegelin, Barbara Kerman, David (Performer)
zhdk (Eventcurator)

Performance for a theater stage
Pop music and its significant show effects, i.e. the seduction techniques of the entertainment industry, inspire me time and again. I have long been interested in theater as a discursive artistic venue where socially relevant issues are intensively negotiated in the present and with the involvement of the audience. I recently came across a research tool from theoretical biology: the "Prisoners Dilemma Model", which was developed for cooperation research. I interviewed the scientists who work with this model to find out more about this form of knowledge gain. This radically simplified and sober calculation of highly complex processes provoked me.
The question of how, or whether, and if not, why cooperation works in our society is omnipresent and powerful. Nonetheless, I tackled this question and developed a performance for the theater stage with the help of various conversations with theater experts (Patricia Nocon, Marcel Schwald and Hannah Hurtzig) and in collaboration with the musician David Kerman. The grid of the model served me as an act giver. An experiment.

place: Bühne A, Gessnerallee, Zürich
KuratorIn: zhdk
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Video 16:9
Dauer: 46:11