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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0212)

Besame Mucho

Multimedia performance from the series
The Trivial Pursuit of Happiness / self-experiment no 4

La Bamba between the ears from sunrise to sunset
You may remember the feeling: a song plays and you are somewhere else. There on the inside and there on the outside. Or vice versa. Or maybe completely there or there? Or somehow in between.
I was away for six months in a foreign country and am now back again. Maybe not completely. A state of shimmering movement from inside to outside and back again.
I would like to take this experience as an opportunity to reflect on the state of shimmering between inside and outside. Being foreign and yet connected. The longing at best. The performance is an attempt to approach this state.
I will sing a song about it. Things happen during this song: images appear, perhaps a brain that has been x-rayed or a one-armed bandit, things I want to have, a windshield wiper, el Corazon and a sunset by the sea? Or many other images from the inner self and experiences. I am beside myself.
Performance Art Award Basel 2009

place: Kunsthaus Baselland, Muttenz/Basel
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Video 4:3
Dauer: 15:17