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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0210)

My Brain Is My Garden I

Multimedia performance from the series:
The Trivial Pursuit of Happiness - Self-Experiment No 3 / Living-Video
Language: English

I stand in the video projection as a test person at the mercy of what is happening, in a shower of advice, so to speak. My actions and questions interact with the projected images, but also with the soundtrack. The result is an interplay between desire and reality, between internal processes and external appearance.
The media timeline determines the pace and my options for action.
This technical approach illustrates the idea that people compose their reality from perception and - precisely - projection.
ausgezeichnet von Kunstkredit BS, Performancepreis 2004
Regionale 2004

place: Gare du Nord, Basel
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Video 4:3
Dauer: 12:08