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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0208)

LOOC (Line out of Control)
(2009, 2010)
Eriksson, Lena; Nair, Varsha Saemann, Andrea (Eventcurator)
? (Camera)

We sit at two separate points in the room and draw. A roll of paper is laid out between us across the room and the pens are connected by a thread. In a continuous process, we draw spontaneous drawings of our immediate surroundings on this shared paper. The audience can move freely around the room and watch us at work. The performance is accompanied by the repetitive sounds of an Indian music machine. The performance LOOC was developed for Performancesaga ( in Basel and first performed in April 09 in the Wartesaal at the Französischer Bahnhof.
Varsha Nair: "Looc: Line Out of Control is about imaginary and real borders, crossing/not crossing borders, communication/lack of it, about our different perspectives of the same or similar situations".
Lena Eriksson: "I'm also interested in the role of the artist in Looc - we're not making any grand gestures, we're just two artists drawing. And yet the claim of a performance is there. And there is an in-between area
area opens up in which many things seem possible to me."
Performance Saga

place: Basel / Glasgow / Peking / Bangkok
KuratorIn: Saemann, Andrea
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

jpg / pdf / tif

Video 16:9
Dauer: ca 60minuten