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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0148)

Soft poem for two tongues spoken off by heart but not too fast

Imperatori, Manuela Knoerle, Marie-Eve (Eventcurator)
Amsler, Madeleine (Eventcurator)
E. Bayart / festival .perf (Camera:Fotografin)

A composition for two cassette recorders. A spoken text is recorded simultaneously on two taperecorders. The recordings are played back and spatially repositioned. The two actions of recording and playing form the structure of the performance. The production becomes visible and temporal and spatial shifts occur. The text is reminiscent of familiar languages and linguistic forms of communication. However, the spoken sounds and words cannot be assigned to any particular language.
.perf Genf

place: Genf Maison Baronne, Piano Nobile
KuratorIn: Knoerle, Marie-Eve; Amsler, Madeleine
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

Fotos, Audioaufnahme, Textdokument PDF

Fotos / Photos
Dauer: 00:20