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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0147)

flags 5 - podcast GCAS - "Flags and performances - in search of a new sandbox" (Einreichung 7)


In diesem gut stündigen podcast befrägt mich Thilini Prasadika zu meiner Recherche und Arbeit. Dabei kommt durch die Tatsache, dass ich über "trying to surrender to our unability to understand space" zu einer Wissenschaftlerin in Sri Lanka spreche, eine Raum-Dimension ins Spiel, welche durch die eh schon vorhandene performative Qualität von Zoom das Interview zu einer Performance macht, wie wir sie vollends nicht erfassen können. Es ist ein Dokument davon, wie absolut crazy ( und gleichzeitig absolut vertraut !) es ist, dass das erste Mal, wo ich über "the core" - das Innerste, das Naheste, das Vertrauteste, das Emotionalste, das Physischste - meiner Arbeit spreche, dies mit jemandem tue, die am weitesten weg ist, die ich zum ersten Mal "sehe" - und zwar nicht physisch.
„flags“ a project of Gabriel Magos As tanks were approaching I was torn away from my sandbox in my hometown Budapest at the age of three and a half. Our family fled to Switzerland. My search for a new sandbox led me to India, into agriculture, rock music, performance, theatre, theatrepedagogy and now I am visualizing this search for "Terratorium" in the project "flags". As flags are grandiosely propagating annihilating nationalisms I go in the opposite direction (I flee ? I resist ?) to an "arte veramente povera" where I invent flagobjects and performances like "whiteflagwaving" to investigate the phenomenon "flag" and its seducing power as first moving informator. In this project there is also a sandbox with its deeply confusing ambivalence as playground for children and military. background - biography ( hungary/switzerland), nationalism, Max Daetwyler whiteflag, my first flag to mark my atelier positionism ( trying to surrender to my unability to understand space) what is a flag a piece of cloth on a stick to show the wind (temperature) WAVES first moving information carrier – signal (transport) a sign to belong to and to mark a field/ a territory/ a nation implication of flag sensual – seducing (movement) - emotional link to skin map (mappa) cover shelter making new flags ( material !) flagobjects flagsheets who or what holds/carries the flag ? - standardbearer bamboo - tripod flagpods - installations „white flag space“ – „flags procession » , « le palais des vents », « fireflag » more research history of flags ( other fields like climate, greenpeace, genders, political organisations, red flag, religions, rituals……) nationsflagscoloralismresearch - imagiNations – de/flagification military theory ( assigning numen to cluster, flagification……) performances in public space - whiteflagwaving vlogs, fotos, videos ( online , facebook etc.)
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Who is afraid of the humanities - podcast Serie GCAS

place: Zürich / Sri Lanka
KuratorIn: Thilini Prasadika, GCAS Global College of Advanced Studies ( Creston C Davis )
Dokumentationstyp: Performance/Aktion für die Kamera / Performance/Action for the Camera


Video 16:9
Dauer: 1:03:32