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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0132)

Wespi, Natalia; Luv, Linda Simon, Regina (Eventcurator)
Wespi, Natalia (Eventcurator)
Luv, Linda (Eventcurator)

When it was dark, at an incredible depth, a veil lay over everything. This sadness and heaviness stood over the ground. In absolute slowness, lines undulated in a black nothingness. Small air bubbles, in the form of black circles, rose upwards - just an invisible, regular bubbling. Otherwise it was silent. A feeling became more and more insistent. "Light, more light!" Goethe spoke his last words before his own light went out forever.

Menu for the performative light meal:

Light pudding projection at sunrise
Shimmering in the green thicket
Light therapy in the deep sea
Explosion at the black hole
file Luv_Wespi_2018_Lichtlabor °1.mp3 has unknown mimetype application/octet-stream

place: S11, Solothurn
KuratorIn: Simon, Regina; Wespi, Natalia; Luv, Linda
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

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Dauer: 120:00