Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0117)
Sweet Nothings
This performance is part of the series "Sensual Senses", consisting of five different performances that reflect on our senses and their meaning in everyday life. The performance is based on the English phrase "Sweet Nothing", which essentially describes sweet, flattering words with no necessary deeper meaning.
The audience can either participate in the performance or attend the ritual as part of the audience.
The performance is repeated a maximum of 20 times. Each time, a self-portrait is left behind as an imprint.
automatically translated from german
Die Dokumentation besteht aus Leinwänden, auf denen ein Gesichtsabdruck erscheint, Audioaufnahmen und Bildern.
Das Video zeigt einen Ausschnitt aus der Performance. Die entstandenen Selbstportraits auf Leinwänden sind physisch vorhanden.
ACT 2018
place: Dampfzentrale, Bern
KuratorIn: Sunarjo, Benjamin
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action
Fotos, Abdruck auf Leinwand, PDF
Fotos / Photos
Dauer: 10:00