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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0113)

Luv, Linda; Hahn, Philipp Luv, Linda (Performer)
Hahn, Philipp (Performer)
partizipierendes Publikum (Performer)
Morgenthaler, Jan (Eventcurator)
Roth, Barbara (Eventcurator)
Senn, Martin (Eventcurator)
Sepehrnia, Fariba (Eventcurator)
Luv, Linda (Camera)

The MeloVelo travels through the city and transforms urban spaces into spontaneous dance palaces. Dock the player - pedal - and your own song resounds out into the streets. The music intoxicates. People stop and listen. Shouts of joy. The crowd is there and it's dancing. The energy spills over. One last bar - the song ends - and the music stops. Are you next?
Die Aktion wurde mehrfach durchgeführt, u.a. am Festival gestohlene Räume, Hafenfest Zürich, Urban Science und unabhängig an verschiedenen Plätzen in der Zürcher Innenstadt im Sommer 2014

place: Vor dem Helmhaus Zürich, Zürich
KuratorIn: Morgenthaler, Jan; Roth, Barbara; Senn, Martin; Sepehrnia, Fariba
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

Fotos, PDF-Dateien

Video 16:9
Dauer: 60:00-180:00