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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0111)

Fotos von Performancezeichnungen und Diverse Videos von Zeichnungsperformances

Singing/drawing performance, large format Oct - Dec 2021 (blindfolded)

My large-format drawing performances are limited in time for energy reasons and last between 20 and 30 minutes. The drawing, which is constantly kept in motion by the monotonous singing, is given a uniform style. There are straight and curved structures in all directions, creating a multi-layered drawing space with a cosmic character.
The film and sound editing offers the possibility of condensing the action. The choice of vocal parts and their polyphonic interplay reinforce the meditative impression.

It could be that the condensation and shortening of the film document creates a theatrical impression of the performance, which does not correspond to the artistic idea of the live performance. Since I enter into the action as uninhibitedly as possible and carry it out with dedication (usually undisturbed in the studio), any dramatization is far from my mind. In this sense, the live performance and its documentation are two different products.
Zwischen 2014 - 2020 habe ich einige filmische Dokumente von öffentlichen Performances (siehe Website), die ich gerne zur Verfügung stelle.
Ich habe einige filmische Dokumente von öffentlichen Performances zwischen 2014 - 2020 (siehe Website), die ich gerne zur Verfügung stelle.

place: Basel
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

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